Chronic Illness and Disability

I believe that physical and mental health are inextricably intertwined. You cannot separate one from the other and both impact each other. Coping with chronic illness and disability can be difficult. Able-bodied people and those who have not experienced significant illness sometimes struggle with how to be supportive. At other times, often in frustration at their lack of ability to “fix” the chronically ill or disabled person, they say things that are demeaning or degrading.

Because I have experienced both, I have a unique perspective in working with individuals and couples impacted by chronic illness and disability. My goal is to help clients find their path to reach the highest level of emotional, physical, and social health and well-being. As part of empowering clients to advocate for themselves, I encourage the development of a healthy level of interdependence where they grow a healthy support system for the things they cannot do independently. At the same time, I also inspire clients to develop healthy self-care habits to enable them to reach their highest level of personal healing.